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Tips That Turn Holiday Shoppers into Loyal Customers

If anyone hasn’t said this yet, congratulations! You made it through another holiday season — and probably one of the most challenging ones in history, too. After you give yourself a pat on the back (feels good, right?), it is time to talk about how to turn all those holiday shoppers into something even better: loyal customers. Why waste time and effort focusing on new potential shoppers when, with a couple of nudges, you can bring back previous buyers who already have a great experience with your business? Now, on to those tips!

Dangle the right incentives Re-create your brand of holiday magic in ways that are relevant for other seasons. Consider a spring or summer sales promotion, extra discounts or special gifts made available exclusively for loyal shoppers. A coupon is a coupon, but a coupon encased in a luxe envelope with a gold seal suddenly becomes a VIP coupon and takes on prestige and premium vibes.

Make them feel extra- special Chances are a holiday purchase was used for a gift or a special celebration, meaning it was a transaction that was wrapped up in an emotional experience, something important in the life of that shopper. Do your best to follow up on that purchase with communications that reinforce those positive feelings. Send an email inviting these holiday shoppers to become loyal customers. Connect on social media. And if they reach out to you first with a question or an issue, follow up immediately with a resolution.

Reach out and retarget As online shopping grows, so do some staggering statistics around abandoned carts. No, not abandoned carts in parking lots. We’re talking about the potential purchases that are sitting in shoppers’ digital carts waiting for the simple click to “buy.” Now is the time to focus on retargeting efforts to remind shoppers that it is never too late to become a buyer. Facebook and Google ads — even dynamic newsletters — are a few ways to remind people that good stuff is just a click away.

Capitalize on other holidays Say you have a group of happy customers that associate you with the holidays. Great! Guess what? There are a lot of other shoppable holidays

throughout the year: Valentine’s Day. Birthdays. Anniversaries. National Teacher Day! Be the brand that reminds your holiday shoppers when these special celebrations are around the corner. Then offer up gift cards and special promotions to make their next purchase enticing and easy.

Reminding holiday shoppers that there are 11 more months in the year of shopping can be rewarding and fun. By investing a little time and energy into a few of these tips, you can turn holiday shoppers into valuable loyal customers to sustain your small business in the long run.


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